European Federalists


Beitragsfoto: UEF Meeting in Warschau 2012 | © Heinrich Kümmerle

By email of 26/7/2023, Luisa Trumellini informed the European Movement, Italian Section, of Mr. Gozi’s decision to step down as UEF President. This decision has not been communicated to us, either by its author, by Mrs Echterhoff, or by the vice-presidents of the UEF. The UEF sections were also apparently not informed.

Is Sandro Gozi leaving because he is concerned by the worrying state in which he leaves the UEF? It has been a long time since we received a statement of UEF’s finances. 

The results of his presidency seem limited to the sterile participation of the UEF in “the Conference on the future of Europe”. The very timid conclusions of this Conference were received by the European Parliament, but they were ignored by the European Council, both at ministerial level and at the level of Heads of State and Government.

As a Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Spinelli Group, Mr. Gozi refrained from proposing that the EP be transformed into a Constituent Assembly. It has not tabled any proposal for a European federal constitution. He contented himself with a minimalist draft amendment to the electoral law, which leaves intact the disrespect for Article 9 TEU establishing the principle of equality of Europeans, highlighted by the Federal Court of Karlsruhe in 2009.

A UEF congress had been announced for the second half of 2023, but we have not yet received a convocation. The rules determining how to hold this congress are not clear, because the amendments to the statutes voted in Vienna in 2018 and in Valencia in 2021 have not yet been published to my knowledge. The statutes as amended on 10/10/2008 in Paris seem to be the only ones in force.

It is high time for the Federal Committee to straighten things out, otherwise the UEF will end up like the Titanic.

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Seitenaufrufe: 2 | Heute: 1 | Zählung seit 22.10.2023


  • Lieber Jean, der Rücktritt von Sandro Gozi hängt wohl eher mit einem Artikel von Sarah Wheaton in Politico vom 15. Dezember 2022 und den entsprechenden Reaktionen anderer Abgeordneter darauf zusammen. Wenn diese Behauptungen von Wheaton der Wahrheit entsprechen, dann ist ein Rücktritt von Gozi als UEF-Präsident längst überfällig.

    Unabhängig davon und zu meinem größten Bedauern erfüllen sich nun meine Vorhersagen, die ich anlässlich des letzten deutsch-italienischen Putsches gegen Paolo Vacca getätigt hatte, und meine bessere Hälfte wie auch mich dazu bewegten, die Mitarbeit im Bundeskommittee oder beim UEF-Kongress einzustellen.

    Du hast völlig Recht, dass etwas geschehen muss! Hier sind nun aber erst einmal die Putschisten gefragt, die uns diese Misere eingebröckelt haben. Leider aber verlassen nun einer nach dem oder gar der anderen das sinkende Schiff.